Friday, September 16, 2011

Its a feeling I get in the back of my head.

Last night I was a mess. My post was full of links and basic ideas. I would like to talk about what just happened to me. Believing I had supernatural powers I slammed into a brick wall. Thats a lie. Its a line from a Paul Simon song off of the album Graceland. (Which I love!!)

Really, I got back from class at noonish. I spent 20 minutes doing yoga and listening to Josh Groban. Then I cut up 10 pounds of chicken breast. After collecting the trimmings and recovering some frozen trimmings from a previous chicken cutting event, I boiled it. I boiled it for an hour. If you've never boiled chicken bits before, its worth doing. Its worth doing at least once. The Heavy Metal Palace smells fantastic right now and it only because I boiled some chicken bits. Now, I've going Paul Simon blasting Gumboots and enjoying the smell of my kitchen, which is tiny.

And looks a bit like this. Actually it is this:

Small Kitchen, smell of chicken. God I love this place!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear 3 am... We really must stop meeting like this

I spent my normal 2.5 hours in the clay studio critiquing and discussing the trials and tribulations of cup making. What I made sucked. It didn't help that the first batch of cups that I threw (pottery on a wheel --> making = throwing ) My stuff never looks like that, I'm pretty sure its shit. My teacher told me today that one of my cups was stubborn and was giving him an attitude. This is him... He's pretty awesome.

Now I have a stubborn cup. great.

After clay, I cleaned up and headed off to world religions. I like the class and my teacher makes it interesting. We started out talking about Buddhism, which led to a discussion of the Dalai Lama, then Tantrism, then tantric sex. I love how we can go from lama to sex in 6 minutes...

Came home, made dinner - delicious by the way. and headed off to SCUBA. We had 45 minute class session today and took the 2nd half for practice. We spent the first half in the dive tank and had to take our masks off. I hate having to "flood my mask" then just breathe. Its a very strange feeling only having the regulator in your mouth and being unable to hold your nose and keep your eyes open in a super chlorinated pool and breathe.

SCUBA ended and Cz and I headed to Walmart, where we contemplated these:

then went to Tops for some late night grocery shopping. 2 hours later we returned to the Heavy Metal Palace, washed dishes, and she went to bed... now 3 hours later, I still sit here. Listening to Om mani padme hum and I dont know why. so good bye.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

12:40 AM

For most of my life I have known that I was going to travel. I have known that I was going to see the world and ALL (or as many) of its wonders as I could.

I want to say 'Hakuna Matata' in Kenya,
I want greet the morning with a 'Καλημέρα!' in Greece,
and sooner or later I'll say 'Adiós' to my friends in Argentina.

But for now I'm saying 'Je vais y aller finalement.' *sigh*

Monday, September 12, 2011

Well, here I am.

Im trying something new. I feel as though random internet rants are an appropriate format for my recent life choices. I'll keep you posted on things like my classes, my mildly old seeming social life and of course, where I stand on the fronts of many battlefields.

As a 5th year undergrad I am experiencing a life of incredible senioritis which is unfortunate because I typically lack enough drive to carry on when I don't have senioritis. So, theres that. I'm finishing up 2 undergraduate degrees and my next and newest life goal, Australia, awaits.

For a while I battled with my mother about joining the peace corps but my desire to please her outweighed my desire to be living in a hut without electricity, running water and English speakers for 2 years. So maybe I'll do that eventually but for now the Peace Corps are on the back burner. Mom 1 - Peace Corps 0. I don't always feel as though we are battling but recently my life choices are a bit off the "norm" for her and I think there are better ways at getting what I want out of this world.

Tangent - Summer 2010 - I visited Ghana. On a whim. I emptied my bank account and flew across the Atlantic to study djembe, gyil and all sorts of West African arts traditions for 3 weeks with 12 strangers, my RA, and Bernard Woma - Ghanaian Gyil Master, and former professor of African drumming at SUNY Fredonia. The second that I stepped off of the plane in Ghana I knew from the bottom of everything that I stand for that I would be changed by this experience and that I would return to the United States a different person. Well. I was right. African changed me. I always knew I wanted to travel but then I knew that 10 days wasn't enough. I almost forked over another $300.00 to stay in Ghana for another 2 months. I think that I should have. I dont regret not doing it but its still an after thought.

Back to now - Since Ghana, my life has been a constent progression towards my next international excursion, hence the Peace Corps thing and the aforementioned battle with mommy.

Today I'm looking at apartments in Sydney Australia and thinking about how my life will change once my name is on a lease there...